As an educator, it is helpful to know which practices have been shown to be effective in improving the lives of autistic students. Evidence-based practices for autism are proven interventions that have been shown to be safe and effective through scientific research.
When the appropriate evidence-based practices are provided, students on the spectrum can be empowered with the necessary skills to thrive. Here are three evidence-based practices commonly used:
Task analysis
Task Analysis is the process of breaking down a complex activity or skill into a series of smaller mini steps, making it easier to teach and learn the skill.
Some examples of skills taught using a task analysis include daily living skills such as tying shoelaces, handwashing and dressing.
Visual Supports
Visual supports are cues providing information about an activity, routine, or expectation. Visual aids help in demonstrating specific skills using visual cues to support comprehension and communication.
Examples of visual supports are pictures, videos, written words, or lists.
Positive Reinforcement
Positive reinforcement is the presentation of something immediately after a behaviour or skill is performed that strengthens that skill, increasing the likelihood of it occurring again.
Examples of positive reinforcement include providing social praise such as, “Great job completing your assignment” paired with a high 5 or access to a favourite activity such as a computer game or puzzle.
Remember every student is unique, with their own individual support needs.
Get curious, and find out which evidence-based practices are best for your student.