ADHD in the Classroom: Supporting Student Success Understanding attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder and related conditions, and how they impact student learning. How to build an ADHD-friendly classroom, regulate the limbic system and more. With practical handouts. 6.00 Hour(s) 299.00 CADView Course Details
Autistic Students and Mental Health: Set Them Up for SuccessIdentify autistic student mental health difficulties and their contributing factors. Learn how to utilize evidence based cognitive behavioural supports and promote the “6Cs” of resilience. 2.00 Hour(s) 299.00 CADView Course Details
Putting the ABA in AAC Systems: Creating Effective Augmentative Alternative Communication Systems for Individuals with Intellectual DisabilityJoin Julie Koudys, Ph.D., C.Psych., BCBA-D, in a thoughtful presentation highlighting research that will inform your best approach to AAC systems. 5.00 Hour(s) 249.00 CADView Course Details